Rose-orchid bridal bouquet

Rose-orchid bridal bouquet
Beautiful round-shaped bridal bouquet made with roses, orchids, and lisianthus. This bouquet can be a real standout on your big day.

Handcrafted from premium fresh flowers, this bouquet is a true masterpiece.

The color of the roses can be chosen from the dropdown menu.
28 400 Ft
To Favourites
Question about the product
The products shown in the photos may differ from reality. Considering that they are made from live flowers and no two flowers are exactly the same, plus the fact that we use freshly arrived flowers daily, there might be some variation.

If any component is out of stock, we reserve the right to use substitute products.

In all cases, we strive to create an order that closely resembles the colors and style seen in the photo.

If we can only fulfill the order with significant changes, we will always consult with the customer after the order has been placed.